Create a Shipment - Standard Form

This guide provides step-by-step instructions and highlights key features to simplify the booking process.

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Accessing Shipment Creation

From the shipments tab, search for the "Create a Shipment - Standard Form" option.

Customer Information

  • Select Customer: The system will prompt you to select the customer and customer staff. (Customer staff selection is required to proceed with the shipment.)

  • Review Credit Worthiness and Customer Notes: This information is displayed below the selected customer.

Shipment Reference Numbers

  • Enter Reference Numbers: Input any relevant reference numbers in the designated fields at the top of the shipment profile. (The default reference numbers will vary based on the type of shipment you choose.)
  • Choose the Shipment Type: Choose the type of shipment you wish to create from the drop down list:

  • Add Additional References: Click "Add Reference Numbers" in the top right to include more reference numbers as needed.
Automatic Population (Optional): To save time on entering recurring reference numbers for a customer, you can set them up within the customer profile or at the organization level if it is a reference number that will be used for all shipments.
Click HERE to learn more.

Shipment Address Details

  • Enter Origin and Destination: Input the complete addresses for both locations.
  • Search for addresses from the customer or global address book using either the Company Name or Street Address.
  1. By entering a zip code initially, you can narrow down your search to find addresses specifically within that zip code.
  2. Utilize the "Add to Favorites" feature to save frequently used addresses in your address book. This will prompt a modal where you can choose to save the address in the customer address book for the specific customer in the shipment or as a global address that will be accessible to all your customers during shipment creation.
  3. Swap Locations: If you accidentally entered the address in the wrong place, you can use the "Swap" feature to switch the origin and destination locations.

  • Shiplify: Shiplify provides accurate, real-time access to location data to help you identify LTL accessorials like residential, limited access, and lift-gate. Carriers, shippers, and 3PLs can now get aligned on which locations will lead to accessorials, thus increasing transparency and removing headaches associated with these fees.
    Click HERE to learn more about Shiplify.
  • View Location: Utilize this tool to visually see the address you have entered by viewing it on Google Maps.
  • Clear Fields: This action will remove all the information you have entered in this section.
  • Add Stop: This feature enables you to indicate if the shipment includes any extra stops apart from the initial pick up and final drop-off.
    Click HERE to learn more about Additional Stops


This section allows you to access your preferred accessorials, which are categorized into Pickup, Delivery, and Shipment accessorials. The system will display specific accessorials based on the type of shipment selected.

Customize the accessorials that you wish to show in this section. For more information on how to do this, click HERE.

Commodity Details:

  • Provide accurate descriptions and quantities for each commodity.
    LTL View

    Truckload View

  • Save Commodities: Employ "Add to Favorites" under commodity lines to store commonly shipped items in the product catalog.
  • Dimensions: Enter dimensions to use the Class Calculator in case the shipment class is unknown. These dimensions are necessary for creating LTL loads. If dimensions are needed for a Truckload, simply click on the "Show More" option to enable the dimension fields.

Pricing Information

In this section, you have the ability to generate rates using your tariffs or the marketplace. While primarily used for LTL shipments, you can also utilize it for Truckload rates if you have established tariffs for them.

To learn more about the Marketplace, please click HERE.

To learn more about how to create APIs tariffs, please click HERE.

To learn how to create a manual tariff, please click HERE.

Cost Calculation

Within this section, you have the option to manually add a carrier or additional transit legs and handle the buy and sell aspects of your shipment. The buy being what you will pay the carrier and the sell the amount you will invoice your customer.

For more information on updating the pricing of a shipment, please click HERE.

To learn more on how to add Carriers to shipments, please click HERE.