Create a Shipment - Standard Form

This article will cover the following items for creating a shipment using the Standard Form:

  • Creating a Shipment using the Standard Form
  • Basic walk through of form details and differences

Quick Reference Video Summary:

  • Intended use of the Standard Form is for Booking orders once all information is figured out (not meant for quoting)
  • Credit Worthiness and Customer Notes are located under the selected customer in the top left of the shipment profile
  • Shipment References are located at the top, and additional fields can be adding by clicking 'Add Reference Numbers' in the top right of the shipment profile
    • You can also have these reference numbers automatically populate and be required fields on a per customer basis. This can be done by adding them within the customer profile as shown in the following article: Company Profile - Custom Reference Numbers
  • In the beginning stages, shipments should be created in 'Quoted' or 'Booked'
  • Addresses entered in Origin or Destination can be saved to your Address Book using the 'Add to Favorites' feature; 'Swap' feature can be used to switch the Origin and Destination in case information was entered incorrectly
  • 'Actual Pickup' and 'Proof of Delivery' are automatically filled out via our carrier automations & integrations
  • Dimensions can be entered in order to use the Class Calculator tool, when you don't know your shipment's class
  • Commodities can be saved to the Product Catalog by using the 'Add to Favorites' feature under the commodity lines on the right