Shipment Consolidation Consolidating several smaller shipments into one can reduce freight costs by allowing you to negotiate better rates with carriers. You can also track, update statuses, and manage activity logs for all shipments through the parent shipment. |
Company Loadboard - Posted Column Icons The new icons on the Company Loadboard provide a quick and easy way to view the status of your load board postings. |
Company Loadboard - Improved Date Functionality We've made it easier to understand the times by splitting them out with new icons and adding time zones. This will help you prioritize your tasks more effectively. |
Insurance Compliance Indicator The system has been updated to ensure that the insurance indicator on a carrier's profile accurately reflects their insurance coverage. However, not all types of insurance need to be listed in the profile. |
Planning Alert Trigger Exception By setting AllowPlanning = True integration source, adding a planning alert to the shipment will archive the load in Parade. This workflow provides more control over when to make shipments bookable. |