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  2. LSP
  3. Organization Management

Staff Creation

This article will show you how to create a new LSP Staff member:

Quick Reference Video Summary:

  • LSP Staff members can be thought of as Internal Staff Members, or Back Office users
  • Navigate to LSP > Staff, and click Add New Staff Member
    • Enter the required fields and configure their settings; once done, you can click Save & View Details to save the record and review the newly created staff member, or you can click Save & View List in order to save the newly created entry and review the entire LSP Staff List
    • Login can be whatever you want, however, we recommend using the Staff Members Email Address; you can set whatever password you want, and then once you are finished you can provide both to the staff member so they can access the system
  • Default Shipment Type: this can be set in order to prevent staff members from switching between shipment types on accident, and when they go to create a new shipment it will use this type by default
  • Tariff Settings are covered in a different Training article
  • Permissions can be assigned to LSP Staff members, and these will control what an LSP Staff Member can and cannot do in the system
    • To figure out what a permission does, simply hover over the black information icon and it will produce a short description of the permissions functionality
    • Permissions are covered in a separate Training article

Here is an article on how to create a team, how you can add team members and how you can use this feature.

Team Collaboration