Shipment Alerts are customizable events that happen at different stages in the shipment lifecycle. Alerts help add specific, customizable, and trackable changes to a shipment including things like On-Hand Delivery and Appointment Required.
What are Shipment Alerts
Shipment alerts are triggered when an operational event impacts a shipment. These events can impact any part of the shipment lifecycle and they can extend past multiple statuses.
These alerts can be found in various locations, including dashboards, shipment search pages, shipment detail pages, workflow automation, and the status modal. While some alerts are automatically assigned to shipments based on operational events, there are also options for adding alerts manually. The alerts associated with a shipment are categorized into three main types.
- Exceptions
- Secondary Shipment Statuses
- Important Shipment Attributes
Some alerts are meant to remain on a shipment for its entire lifecycle, and others are to be applied and then later resolved.
Alerts are a great way to improve operational efficiency and add an additional layer of reporting.
Alerts are customizable. You can add or remove alerts to meet your specific business needs. The Shipment Alerts Management page will help you customize alerts.
These are a few things you can customize with Alerts
- Names
- Icons
- Colors
- Visibility (Hidden)
Some common exception-type alerts you'll see are:
- Missed Pickup
- Oversized Shipment ( length > 60in, width > 60in, height > 100in or package type Pallet and has more than 6 handling units )
- Delivery Date Passed
These are examples of alerts that are automatically added when the exception applies. They are represented with a red exclamation mark and indicate that action should be taken to resolve a current issue with the shipment.
If you see the "Delivery Date Passed" alert, it is crucial to contact the carrier right away to determine the cause of the delay. Once the shipment has been delivered, this alert will be resolved; however, it can still be included in reports later to track how frequently your shipments experience late deliveries. Monitoring this metric is valuable for evaluating your carriers' on-time performance over time.
Secondary Shipment Statuses
Our old Status list was long and complex. Many statuses were rarely used. While some of these statuses were informative, they didn't apply to every shipment and are better served as an alert. Some examples of these include:
- On hand at Origin
- Shipment Delayed
- Delivery Appointment Requested
- On hand at Delivery
- Delivered OSD
These are all valuable pieces of information, but in all cases, the shipment is still "In Transit" or "Delivered." By moving these "secondary" statuses into alerts, we can keep them relevant to broker operations while streamlining shipment statuses for Customers.
Shipment Attributes
Additional shipment attributes effectively captured through alerts include indicators such as "Hazmat," "White Glove," "Hot," "Lost Quote," "Customer Approved," and "Guaranteed." These alerts play a crucial role in tracking and tracing shipments, helping you identify which shipments require special attention or involve added complexities during the transit process.
Some Alerts, like "Hot" or "Lost Quote," are controlled via a manual process.
Statuses like "White Glove," "Marketplace," or "Insured" are usually controlled at the shipment level by changing the service level, commodities, or appointment dates. These are not Resolved after Delivery.
Where can I see these alerts?
There are a few places you can expect to see and manage alerts.
1. Shipments Dashboards
The shipment dashboard shows both Status and Alerts. Shipment Statuses are bold to make them easier to find, and all alerts are indented. These are ordered in a linear approach to the shipment lifecycle.
2. Shipment Search Pages
The shipment search pages have an alert column and some filtering capabilities. The alerts column will display all active alerts with the icons shown. All exception-based alerts default to use the exclamation mark, the tooltip you see when hovering over the icon will list all of the applied exceptions. Clicking the alerts will open the new "Alerts Modal," but we'll get to that in a different section. The Alerts search parameter is a type-ahead, multi-select input so you can add as many alerts as you'd like to filter on.
3. Shipment Detail Pages
All alerts are placed in an "Alerts Card" next to the shipment reference numbers and an Alerts button is in the toolbar to open the "Alerts Modal".
How can I report on Alerts?
To enhance your reporting capabilities, we have columns in the custom report builder specifically for alerts, including the Shipment Alerts Active List and the Shipment Alerts Resolved List. These allow you to easily identify whether an alert is still active or has been resolved. You can incorporate these columns into any shipment report, and if you wish to focus on specific alerts, filters are available for your convenience. By utilizing a "Contains" filter, you can track particular alerts of interest, enabling you to retrieve all shipments that have had that alert applied.
Available Shipment Alerts
Accounting Sync Exception: Error syncing accounting information to integrations such as Truckman, Triumph Pay, etc.
Advance Payment: An advance payment was registered on the shipment.
Appointment Date: An appointment date was set on the shipment
Appointment Rejected
Appointment Requested
Available for Delivery
Carrier Blocked
Carrier Compliance Issue
Carrier Confirmation Response
Carrier Weight Difference
Claim Acknowledge
Claim Approved
Claim Complete
Claim Denied
Claim Filed
Claim Payment Received
Claim Submitted
Claim in Dispute
Consolidation (Child)
Consolidation (Parent)
Credit Limit Exceeded
Customer Approved
Customs Holds
Customs Release
Delivered Over, Short, Damage
Delivery Appointment Requested
Delivery Date Passed
Delivery Refused by Consignee
Dispatched: Pickup Date Passed
Hazardous Material
Heavy Shipment
High Cargo Value
Hold: This alert allows you to create a custom hold reason for a shipment. Learn More.
Load Track Exception
Lost Quote
Missed Delivery
Missed Pickup
No Carrier Response
No Pro Number
On Hand Destination
On Hand Origin
Oversized Shipment
Pickup Appointment Requested
Ready: Pickup Date Passed
Rejected by Carrier
Rescheduled Pickup Second Attempt
Rescheduled Pickup Third Attempt
Returned to Shipper
Shipment Delayed
Shipment Delayed - Accident
Shipment Delayed - Border Clearance
Shipment Delayed - Carrier Capacity Constraints
Shipment Delayed - Carrier Dispatch Error
Shipment Delayed - Carrier Keying Error
Shipment Delayed - Consignee
Shipment Delayed - Consignee Closed
Shipment Delayed - Customer Requested Future Delivery
Shipment Delayed - Customer on Strike
Shipment Delayed - Driver
Shipment Delayed - Driver Not available
Shipment Delayed - Exceeds Service Limitations
Shipment Delayed - Hold Due to Customers Inspection
Shipment Delayed - Holiday Closed
Shipment Delayed - Incorrect Address
Shipment Delayed - Insufficient Delivery Times
Shipment Delayed - Insufficient Pickup Times
Shipment Delayed - Insufficient Time to Complete Delivery
Shipment Delayed - Mechanical Breakdown
Shipment Delayed - Missed Delivery
Shipment Delayed - Previous Stop
Shipment Delayed - Rail Delayed
Shipment Delayed - Refused by Customer
Shipment Delayed - Road Conditions
Shipment Delayed - Shipment Overweight
Shipment Delayed - Shipper
Shipment Delayed - Shipper Loaded Late
Shipment Delayed - Tractor or Trailer Not Available
Shipment Delayed - Weather
Shipment Split: This happens when a shipment has its commodities “split” up during transit. The freight must sit until the rest of the commodities catch up before it goes out for delivery.
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White Glove