Shipment Alerts Management

The Alerts management page allows you to modify, create, and personalize shipment alerts, tailoring them to your business needs by changing names, icons, and colors.

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Accessing the Shipment Alerts Page

Navigate to the LSP tab and click on "Shipment Alerts" to access a list of all alerts available for your organization.

Setting Up a Custom Alert

  • Select the "Add Alert" button located in the upper right corner of the page.
  • This will open the "Add new Alert" modal.
    • Enter a unique and descriptive name for your alert. This helps you easily identify it later.
    • In the "PreFix" section, you can choose from the following available icon kits:
      • Classic
      • Brands
      • Duotone
      • Sharp
      • Sharp Duotone
    • Under the "Icon" option, you can explore various choices within each icon kit and select the one that best represents your alert.
    • You can personalize the color of your icon by utilizing hex color codes. By clicking on the dropper icon, a color picker panel will appear, allowing you to select your desired hue.
    • Additional settings you can configure include:
      • Display In FrontOffice: Choose to show the alert in the front office for visibility to end customers.
      • Display In BackOffice: Opt to display the alert in the back office for only LSP Staff members.
      • Auto Resolved: If enabled, this option will automatically clear the alert once the shipment status is updated to "delivered."

The alert will not be cleared right away. The system may take up to 15 minutes to verify delivered shipments with alerts with this setting enabled.

    • Once all details are set, click Save to activate your custom alert.

Editing an Existing Alert

To modify an existing alert, simply click on the blue pencil icon located on the far right. This action will reopen the modal for making changes to the alert.

Master Alerts

Master alerts are the standard shipment alerts you are already familiar with. You can identify a master alert by the fact that it cannot be deleted; the only option available is the blue pencil icon for editing. When you edit a master alert, the trash can icon will appear. If you choose to delete a master alert, it will revert to its original settings rather than being removed entirely.

Using Custom Alerts

Once you have created a custom alert, you can utilize it just like any standard alert. These custom alerts can be added from various locations within the TMS, including shipment details, shipment searches, and the Company Loadboard, as well as any other area where alerts can be integrated.

Additionally, custom alerts can be incorporated into workflow automation, allowing you to trigger notifications or actions based on specific conditions.