This article details different settings you can apply to your entire organization.
LSP Organization Settings
You can access these settings by going to the LSP tab and looking for the My organization option, and once you are in your organization profile, you will find the Edit Settings option on the right side of the page.
Driver Tracking - Automatic Submit to Carrier
You can assign a Load Tracking application as your default for your truckload shipments by enabling this option; This will automatically submit a load track request once the shipment status reaches Dispatched or In-Transit.
It requires a driver's cell phone number in the corresponding reference field. If no driver cell is available when the shipment reaches the above statuses, it will not initiate tracking and will add an activity log.
MacroPoint Driver Tracking Automatic Submit
If you decide to set MacroPoint as your default Tracking application. In that case, you can add source settings to the integration to let the system know the time frame for when you want to receive updates and if you require the consignee's signature and a POD image. To learn more on how to set up MacroPoint to Submit a Carrier Tracking Request Automatically, please click HERE.
- Default Freight Class.
- Default Shipment Type.
- AP Underpay Tolerance / AP Overpay Tolerance
- These tie into our automation processes, please see EDI 210 Automation Process for more details.
- Do Not Inherit LSP Carriers
- By default, the system will Inherit LSP Carriers from the Parent Organization above them.
- Send New Shipment Alert email
- This serves two purposes
- An Internal Email Alert will be sent to the LSP Organization indicating that a new shipment has been created by a Front Office user. The email will contain all the shipment details including Buy / Sell and Profit Margin. The email can be edited using the Content Template labeled "EMAIL Internal Alert".
- A Customer Order Confirmation will be sent to the Front Office user who created the shipment. The order confirmation will contain relevant shipment details and broker contact information. The email can be edited using the Content Template labeled "EMAIL Customer Order Conf".
- This serves two purposes
- Disable Guest Rating
- This will disable the option where an user or potential customer can perform a rate quote without being logged in to the customer portal.
- NMFC Required
- This setting will make it so that a Front Office user is forced to enter an NMFC code on all LTL shipments.
- Require Terms and Conditions
- Forces all front office users to accept Terms and Conditions before gaining access to the TMS.
- The Terms and Conditions can be modified by editing the Content Template, "INFO Terms and Conditions".
- Use Alternate Class Estimator Density Scale
- Forces the TMS to use the Alternate Class Density scale when estimating class.
- Full details can be found here.
- Truckload - Require Carrier Compliance
- This setting will not allow a user to send a rate confirmation to a carrier if they do not meet all of the qualification requirements (Authority, Safety, Packet & Insurance must be green)
- If the user attempts to submit the rate confirmation, they will see an error message indicating that the carrier is out of compliance.
- Note, this setting is intended to be set at the Parent Accounting level and apply to sub-organizations underneath it. It is not applicable to only sub organizations/offices.
- Enable Past Due Balance Notification
- This feature will turn on a balance notification that is visible in the Front Office and Back Office. This will show whenever this is a Past Due balance for the customer.
- Dimensions Required
- Affects front office user by making Demensions required. It will only affect LTL Shipments.
- Affects front office by hiding the freight class field. Class will be calculated automatically.
- Affects front office by automatically opening accessorials on the start order page.
- Affects front office by automatically opening insurance on the start order page.
Default Shipment Status
The Default Shipment Status is where you would set up what default status you'd prefer shipments to go to for BackOffice users (LSP staff members). You can also set this per Shipment Type so that different shipment types default to whatever status best works for your organization.