Tai Webhook

This article will address information regarding Webhooks and how to implement the workflows.

Service Overview

These are the primary webhooks supported via Tai.

Service Name Short Description
ShipmentCreateUrl Sends Shipment Details data on shipment creation.
ShipmentDetailUpdateUrl Sends Shipment Details data on shipment updates (this includes status, shipment information, address, commodity, etc).
ShipmentLocationUpdateUrl Sends simplified Shipment data based on shipment location updates (will only trigger every 15 minutes).
ShipmentLocationUpdateExtendedUrl Sends Shipment Details data based on shipment location updates (will only trigger every 15 minutes).
BillCreateUrl Sends Bill Data with Approve Bill workflow
InvoiceCreateUrl Sends Invoice Data when the Invoice Create is completed
InvoiceCreateWithShipmentUrl Sends Invoice and Shipment Data when the Invoice Create is completed
LSPCarrierCreateUrl Sends carrier details data on carrier creation.
LSPCarrierUpdateUrl Sends carrier details data on carrier updates.
CustomerCreateUrl Sends customer details data on customer creation.
CustomerUpdateUrl Sends customer details data on customer updates.

Webhook Integration Setup

This requires an integration to have been set up in the TMS before webhooks can be sent out. Here's a link to the documentation.

Webhook Documentation URL

Sample responses when webhooks trigger are as shown in the documentation listed below.

Production URL: http://[your TMS Url]/PublicApi/swagger/index#/WebHooks


This implementation information is intended to provide a high-level guide to implement this service. There are sample JSON responses that can be accessed with the Production URL documentation. These are to trigger data to be automatically sent anytime the trigger gets activated.


is used to trigger anytime a shipment is created. This is helpful for storing data for Shipments that may have been booked or created by your Customers, or Internal Staff. Ideally this would be the first step to get the Shipment information sent over.

ShipmentUpdateUrl is used to trigger updated data for any shipments that may have been updated. The information is presented in the same format as the ShipmentCreateUrl. These work side by side so you get the most updated information regarding any shipments within the TMS.

BillCreateUrl is used to trigger Bill information that has been approved to any Webhook URL of your choosing. This will allow you to transmit any AP related invoice that have been created.

InvoiceCreateUrl is used to trigger Invoice information that has been created to any Webhook URL of your choosing. This will allow you to transmit any AR related invoice that have been created.

InvoiceCreateWithShipmentUrl is used to trigger Invoice information along with current shipment data to any Webhook URL of your choosing. This will allow you to transmit any AR related invoice that has been created along with the current status and info regarding the shipment the invoice is related to.