Add New LSP Carrier


First, open LSP Carriers from the LSP dropdown menu.


Next, click the Add New LSP Carrier button.


From here, you can use the Master Carrier Search to see if the carrier exists. You can search by Name, SCAC, DOT Number, or MC Number.


Once you've selected the carrier from the search results, the required fields for the carrier will auto-populate. You can adjust any of the fields listed on the page as necessary. Select Save & View Details when you are finished.


If the carrier doesn't exist (does not appear in the Master Carrier Search), you can click the Add New Master Carrier button. Then, fill in all required and necessary fields, and select Add Carrier.


If you check the box that says "This is an intrastate carrier" that will make the MC and DOT field, not a required field.


You can confirm you've added the carrier under Master Carrier Details, click the Save & View Details when you are finished.


Here is an article about LSP carriers that can complement this information LSP carrier profile