TMS - Email Sending Rules

Accounting Sender ID:

  • Invoice Delivery, AR Statements, AR Collections, Invoices as a result of Accounting Automation

  • Accounting Automation Includes Invoice at Billing, Invoice at Delivery

Sender ID:

  • New Shipment Alerts, Status Updates, Bulk Operations

User Email:

  • Any document sent via Send Docs, Automated Custom Reports


Manual Invoice Delivery

When sending an invoice via email through the Invoice Delivery Page the “From” Email address will be pulled from the Accounting Email Sender ID that is stored in Site Profile Settings.

  1. If Accounting Email Sender ID doesn’t exist, use Email Sender ID

  2. If Email Sender ID doesn’t exist, use “”

Accounting Automation Invoice Delivery

  1. Auto Invoice at Billing or Auto Invoice at Delivery

    1. This automated invoice delivery feature can have single or multiple triggers that can take place

      1. Single

        1. When Accounting Automation is triggered, use the Accounting Email Sender ID as the “From” email address

      2. Multiple

        1. When Accounting Automation is triggered, use the Seller’s Accounting Email Sender ID for the top-level invoice to Buyer

        2. Depending on Buyers setting for end-customer, (manual, auto invoice at billing or auto invoice at delivery) all automated cases will result in an email using the appropriate Accounting Email Sender ID depending on the accounting level in which the automation was triggered.

Collections Email Delivery

Collections notifications can be set at the customer level and will be sent from the Accounting Email Sender ID.

  1. If Accounting Email Sender ID doesn’t exist, use Email Sender ID

  2. If Email Sender ID doesn’t exist, use “”

Statement Email Delivery

Automated Statement Delivery can be set at the customer level and will be sent from the Accounting Email Sender ID.

  1. If Accounting Email Sender ID doesn’t exist, use Email Sender ID

  2. If Email Sender ID doesn’t exist, use “”

Bulk Operation Emails

Emails sent from any of the Shipment Search pages where the Bulk Operations feature is used will be sent “From” the Email Sender ID that is set in the site profile settings.

Status Change Notifications

Status Update emails triggered by a shipment status change

  1. The “From” Email address will be pulled from the Email Sender ID that is stored in Site Profile Settings

  2. If Email Sender ID doesn’t exist, use “”

New LTL Shipment Alert

New shipments created in the Front Office

  1. The “From” email address will be pulled from the LSP Alert Email that is set at the LSP Organization level.

    1. This is typically used to alert the LSP Organization that the end-customer belongs to.

    2. If an LSP Alert Email does not exist, use “”

Automated Custom Reports

Custom Reports can be set to deliver with a specified frequency.

  1. The author of the custom report is used to identify the “From” email address.

  2. If a different email address is required, the author of the report can be modified.