Tai Public API Shipping Service V1

Tai Software – Broker TMS

Customer REST API Web Service Interface

Service Overview

Please contact Support with any questions about the usage or implementation of this service. 

These are the primary functions available for use in the REST API

Service name

Short description


This service is used for testing. It should be used to verify your credentials are correct and that you can correctly exchange information with the service. 


This service will return a list of accessorial items and codes available from the application. The accessorial codes are needed when requesting a quote or booking an order. 


This service will provide a list of prices and service levels for the requested lane or shipment. It should be used to determine the correct carrier to be used for service. 


This service will book the order based on the information provided. It is not necessary to provide a quote or carrier name before booking an order. 


This service will return the current shipment status for the requested shipments including POD information.


Key to access the WEB-Service

This is a GUID


Code to identify a carrier.

Standard Carrier Alpha Code

TMS Setup

This integration requires that the internal price and customer account have been set up in the TMS before usage of the WEB-Services. 

Base Service URL

The base service can be tested using our test servers. Sample requests and responses can be provided upon request. 

Test Service URL: 

TEST URL - http://www.taibeta.com/PublicApi/Shipping/

TEST SAMPLE - http://www.taibeta.com/PublicApi/Shipping/HelloWorld/

Production Service URL: 

http://[YOUR TMS URL]/PublicApi/Shipping/HelloWorld



This implementation information is intended to provide a high-level guide to implementing this service. There are sample JSON requests that can be used to verify and test whether the service is working correctly. 

To work with this service, you will need to create a client and use it to call the service. 


Most methods require an Authentication Key to be sent. The Authentication Key is a GUID provided by the Support team.

Each Authentication Key is assigned to a specific customer. If you need to request quotes or book orders for different accounts you will need to use different authentication keys. Please contact Support for further information. 

Error Handling

The service is built to return Bad Request http messages if there are any validation issues with the incoming request. If an error is not returned, then the HTTP Ok response will contain the return object relative to the request. 

Work Flow

Initially, it is best to call the validate Credentials method to ensure proper communication with the service. 

getRateQuote is the first method that should be used. This method will return carriers and pricing information for the requested zip codes and commodities. 

bookDomesticShipment would be used to create a shipment once a quote has been accepted. It is not required to request a quote first but the quote information can be used to select the desired carrier and service level. 

Shipment Status can be used once the booked shipment has been dispatched to check for updates to the shipment. It is best to check this a few times a day to see if there are any updates to the status of the shipment. 

Service Methods

Hello World

HttpGet - publicapi/shipping/helloWorld

This service is used for testing. It should be used to verify that you can contact our server. 

Verify Authentication

HttpGet - publicapi/shipping/verifyauthentication/{authenticationKey}

This service is used for testing. It should be used to verify your credentials are correct and that you can correctly exchange information with the service.

Accessorial List

HttpGet - publicapi/shipping/accessorialList/{authenticationKey}

This service will return a list of accessorial items and codes available from the application. The accessorial codes are needed when requesting a quote or booking an order.

The list of accessorial charges will not change often so this function does not need to be called every time a quote is booked. 

Rate Quote

HttpPut - publicapi/shipping/getRateQuote

This service will provide a list of prices and service levels for the requested lane or shipment. It should be used to determine the correct carrier to be used for service.

This service is designed to require a minimum amount of information. However, the more detailed the commodity information the more accurate the quote will be. 

Book Domestic Shipment

HttpPut - publicapi/shipping/bookDomesticShipment

This service will book the order/shipment based on the information provided. It is not necessary to provide a quote or carrier name before booking an order. 

A carrier SCAC and/or Tariff description can be provided. If either is provided they will be used to generate a rate for the shipment and assign the carrier accordingly. If no carrier is provided the least cost carrier will be automatically calculated and assigned to the order. 

Do Not Dispatch Carrier is an option that allows the shipment to be saved as a quote. If this flag is set to false the carrier will be immediately dispatched.