Software Invoicing Process

Software Billing Process and when a transaction is counted on the Tai invoices.


This document will describe the invoicing and transaction counting system used for Tai Software Billing for all software products. 

Transaction Processing

  • All transactions are processed and counted by this tool. 
  • Transactions are saved in SQL and available using the TMS.
  • Transaction details are viewable from TMS under the account drop-down menu.

Transaction Counting

  • A Shipment Transaction (TMSFreightBooking) is counted the moment a shipment is in an active status. 
    • Any time a shipment hits a status other than 'Quote', 'Committed', or 'Canceled', a transaction will be billed. 
    • This applies even if it is in a dispatched status for 2 seconds. 
    • The transaction billing date will show the night after the transaction is created. 


  • Public Marketplace Transactions are counted ONLY for the seller on the tariff.
  • Public Marketplace Transactions for Tariff Seller will also incur a TMS Shipment Transaction for the seller.
  • Public Marketplace Transactions will be removed from the billing profile (shown as a quantity of 0) when they are canceled in the same calendar month.

Contract Changes and Invoice Adjustments

  • Contracts will automatically renew with the agreed-upon annual adjustments on the month that the contract renews,
  • Additional transactions or additional charges for a custom project or new feature will be automatically added to the upcoming invoice.
  • Escalated invoice concerns should be directed to

Customer Tools and Visibility

  • Customers have access to view invoices and activities. A link is available from the user drop-down menu in TMS.
  • All invoices from November 1, 2021, are available in Recurly
  • Unbilled activity for the current billing period is available.
  • Transaction-level data is available for invoices and current activity. 
  • Invoices that are paid will be visible in the portal.

Invoicing Process

  • Unbilled activity is available at any time. This provides transparency in billing and the ability to review billing at any time. 
  • Invoices are generated on the 1st day of the month. This is done as an automated process.
  • Transactions are counted from the start of the billing cycle until midnight PACIFIC TIME.
  • Invoices are emailed from Recurly.
  • Automated payments are processed when invoices are created. This includes ACH and Credit card payments.

Payment and Past Due Process

  • Payment is required by eCheck or Credit Card when the invoice is created
  • Payment not received within 20 days after the invoice due date may result in immediate suspension of services
  • Suspension of Service will not result in data loss but will prevent access to the application
  • Please refer to our terms and conditions for more details