This article will show you how to utilize the Shipment Importer:
Quick Reference Video Summary:
- Importer tool allows you to:
- Select a Customer to import shipments for
- Select a Carrier to import shipments for (can be omitted in order to let the system generate the least-cost carrier via smart quote) By default, LSP Broker Carriers will be displayed. Use the toggle switch to access the Master Carrier database, as needed.
- Enter an email to be mailed the import results
- Select a default shipment status for the imported shipments ( If you select Ready to Dispatch and it's an LTL shipment, once the shipments are uploaded, they will dispatch)
- Upload your excel import file
- Template:
- Shipment ID column should be left blank, as '0,' so that the system can assign shipment IDs to these
- If column AS & AT (Buy / Sell Pricing) and the Carrier field are left blank, the system will check for this and automatically generate a smart quote to select the least cost carrier for each shipment in the import file
- Use the template to know which fields are required for import
- Options for the Handling/Package Unit Type: Shipment Importer
- Accessorial options: List of Accessorials
- Shipment Uploads / Imports will show up in your shipment search screens as the most recently created shipments for the customer selected for importing
Additional notes:
- The importer does not support imports of shipments with multiple commodity lines.
- The importer will ignore transit time when importing Truckload shipments.