Project 44 - Load Tracking


The Project44 Truckload tracking feature allows users to track a driver via cell (phone number) or ELD if supported. 

Source Settings

Username + Password as provided by project44 / No other settings required


The Project44 Truckload load tracking feature can be used from either the Location History modal or the Update Status modal. When the tracker is selected, we will call Project 44 to verify what methods the carrier can use. If ELD is available, additional fields will be made available so that the user can enter either a driver's phone number or Truck Number. A truck Number is required for ELD.

Status Updates

The load tracking feature will update shipment statuses as follows: 




    • The shipment status will be updated to Delivered if either the Complete or Departed Final Stop message is received from P44.

Note: AT STOP doesn’t give us a reason and we don’t know if it’s pickup or delivery so for this reason, for now, P44 will not support On Hand Origin / On Hand Destination.