Invoice Redirection

This article will describe the setup and workflow for redirected invoices.

The goal of this workflow is to provide Brokers the ability to Invoice a single customer for a set group of customers that could be considered "Children".


  1. Create an Integration Source: Customer Integrations
    1. Source Information:
      1. Source Name: "InvoiceRedirection" has to be the start of the Source Name can be followed by anything else
        1. Example: InvoiceRedirection - Tai Test Org
      2. Owner Organization: Set to the Accounting Organization that this rule will apply for
    2. Source Settings:
      1. parent: Enter the value of the Organization you want all invoices to be created under
        1. example:
      2. Chargeline Types: This can be added in to specify specific charges to be redirected to a different Payer Organization
        1. Valid Types: {TransitLeg}_leg | {ChargelineType} | {AccessorialCode}
          1. {TransitLeg}_leg
            1. Example: Linehaul_leg, Delivery_leg
        2. example:
    3. Linked Organizations:
      1. This will include all Customers to whom the rules for Invoice Redirection will apply
        1. example: 
  2. Functionality:
        When an Invoice is created through any source, we will check to see if an Integration with "InvoiceRedirection" for Customer Integrations' Owner Organization matches the Billing Organization. We will then check to see if there are any LinkedOrganizations associated to the shipment.
    1. Create Invoice
      1. This can occur on the following:
        1. Auto Invoice at Billing
        2. Auto Invoice at Delivery
        3. Auto Invoice at Committted
        4. Manual Invoice
          1. Create Invoice
          2. Modify Invoice
          3. Shipment Details - Create Invoice
          4. Shipment Details - Modify Invoice
      2. This will trigger a check
        1. This will search for Customer Integrations.
          1. Integration must start with the name "InvoiceRedirection"
          2. The owner of the integration must match the billing organization of the invoice being created
          3. Integration's linked organization must match the shipment's end customer organization
        2. If this check fails at any point, the normal workflow will occur
      3. Invoices will be created under the assigned "parent" organization ID
    2. Invoice Search
      1. The invoices can be searched by the payer organization, and all the organizations associated with the integration will be displayed.
      2. Example: Search Results