
Highway is Carrier Identity. Focused on solving the digital identity problem in the trucking industry. They Remove risk and friction between brokers and carriers by being the only onboarding provider with a Carrier Identity Engine. They manage carrier identity and solve the problem of fraud and double brokering while providing brokers with the richest data on carrier equipment to supercharge their capacity sourcing and vetting efforts. Highway accelerates connections and drives engagement, making the industry more integrated, digital, and secure.


The Highway team needs to provide an API key; our support/onboarding team must create an integration source, add a source setting called ApiKey, and add it as the value.

Recurring Jobs

Onboarding Packet

After the set-up, the Onboarding Packet job runs every 5 minutes and will handle building the carrier data in the TMS.

Imported carrier details include:

  • Carrier Packet
  • Insurance
  • Payment Terms
  • Payment Method
  • Factoring Organizations
  • Preferred Regions
  • Shipment Types
  • Equipment Types
  • Tax ID
  • Remit to Address
  • Contacts

Carrier Alerts

This job runs every 7 minutes, checking if a significant event might affect a broker's willingness to work with a carrier, for example, a change in insurance or anything that might impact a broker's rules for carriers. Highway will generate a Carrier Alert; the TMS will consume the carrier details and ensure all carrier data is current.

These jobs operate from Monday to Friday to prevent any overlap with the Carrier Full Update and Bulk Upload jobs that occur on Saturdays.

Carrier Full Update and Bulk Upload

These jobs run every Saturday to catch up on potential changes on either Highway or Tai. With the Carrier full update, we attempt to get complete carrier data from Highway, and with the Bulk upload, we send complete carrier data from the TMS to Highway.

Single Carrier Sync

The sync is triggered on carrier creation to ensure it is updated in real time.

We will send the following information on the sync:

  • Broker carrier ID
  • DOT #
  • MC #

Tai/Highway Carrier Status Logic

Current Tai Carrier Status Highway Sends New Tai Carrier Status
Enabled Enabled Enabled
Enabled Disabled Disabled
Enabled Blocked Blocked
Disabled Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled Disabled
Disabled Blocked Blocked
Blocked Any Status Blocked

When the carrier's status in Tai is marked as Blocked, any status updates received from Highway will be disregarded. This serves as a clear reminder that the broker is responsible for taking prompt action to resolve the blocked status manually. This action confirms the necessity of moving the carrier out of the Blocked status, ensuring smooth operations.

Rules Assessment

The system will check for the rules assessment status: PassPartial PassFail, or Incomplete.

If it fails or is incomplete, the system will switch the carrier status in the TMS to "Blocked."

The system will check for the Rules assessment status any time it attempts to update the carriers' information which includes the following jobs: 

  • Carrier Full Update (Saturday job)
  • Onboarding Packet
  • Carrier Alerts

Load Lock Functionality

The Load Lock feature adds a layer of validation to outgoing emails by leveraging Highway's fraud prevention capabilities. It checks the validity of email addresses and domains to prevent documents from being sent to unverified or potentially fraudulent recipients. This functionality is integrated directly into the TMS and provides users with real-time feedback on email validity.

Key Features

  • Email Validation in Send Message Modal
    • Users can opt into validating email addresses via the "Validate Email Addresses" toggle.
  • The feature supports:
    • Verification of individual email addresses.
    • Highlighting invalid or suspicious emails and domains in real-time.
    • Providing users with decision-making capabilities to proceed or block.
  • Real-Time Feedback
    • Emails are flagged with:
      • Red (Invalid/Unknown): Email or domain is not recognized by Highway.
      • Green (Valid): Email or domain is verified
    • Users receive visual indicators for quick decision-making. 


Email Validation Process

  1. Users access the Send Message modal in the TMS.

  2. They toggle the "Validate Email Addresses" option.

  3. Enter one or multiple email addresses.

  4. Add attachments as necessary.

  5. Receive color-coded validation results:

    • Red: Indicates issues such as unknown domains or flagged fraud attempts.

    • Green: Confirms validation success.

Overwrite Setting

By default, the system will overwrite attachments (packets), contacts, and insurance information if they are updated in Highway.

If you need the system not to overwrite the information, add a source setting in the integration called Overwrite and make the value equal to false.

When false, the system will add new attachments (packets) if the file name and attachment type differ. Insurance will consider the file name, attachment type, and effective and expiration date. If any of these details differ, the system will add a new attachment leaving the original data in the carrier profile for you to review.

Other fields that the system will not overwrite.

  • Contacts

  • Payment terms

  • Payment method

  • Factoring organizations

  • Preferred regions

  • Shipment types

  • Equipment types

  • Tax ID

  • Remit to address

Factoring Company Sync

During the integration's onboarding process, the Tai team will provide a CSV file containing crucial information about the Factoring Companies, including their IDs within the TMS. The Highway team will subsequently map these IDs on their platform as the initial safeguard against any potential duplication of factoring companies.

Furthermore, additional checks will be performed to enhance data integrity and minimize duplication risks, including verification of the physical or bill-to-zip codes and cross-referencing the company names.

Broker and Master Carrier Creation

When an inbound sync occurs (onboarding packet or carrier alert), and the system does not find a broker carrier or the carrier is not part of our master carrier list, the system will create the Mater and Broker carrier profile.

Carrier Re Onboarding

If a broker wants to force carriers to sign a new contract, that can be managed in the Highway system. For multiple carrier onboarding, the broker would provide a .csv file of carriers to re-onboard (or Highway can set all carriers to re-onboard).