FTP Payment Processor

This integration allows for Bulk Payment Files to be dropped into an FTP Folder for Payment Processing

The setup requires an Integration Source to be created as FTP Payment Processor. This will include Basic Instructions under Source Instructions.


  • Source Information
    • Username: FTP Username
    • Password: FTP Password
  • Source Settings
    • Required
      • FTPBaseUrl - baseurl
        • Example: ftp://ftp.taicloud.net
      • StaffId - (Required) - Staff that will be recorded as the user who created the payment
    • Optional
      • APPaymentPath - folder path
        • Example: In/APPayments
          • This will process files from ftp://ftp.taicloud.net/In/APPayments
      • ARPaymentPath - folder path
        • Example: In/ARPayments
          • This will process files from ftp://ftp.taicloud.net/In/ARPayments
      • Error Email - This is the email that will be notified for any failed imports


A job will run every 10 minutes to process any files within the folders and run them against our Bulk Payment imports. Based on the PaymentPath, we will process it for Accounts Receivable Payments or Accounts Payable Payments. If any files fail to import, we will send an email per file that failed to process. This function should be utilized with an Accounting API to keep Accounting in sync.

Ideal Flow:

  • Invoices or Bills created will trigger a Webhook
    • From the Webhook Customer ID or Vendor ID and Invoice Number or Bill Number can be determined
  • When Payments are registered from an external source they can pass back a payment record utilizing this function