cloud software platform simplifies your claims handling process–allowing you to focus on growing your business and taking care of your clients.

Freight Claims Management | FreightClaims

Integration Source Setup

To use the integration in the TMS, a user must have an account with to be able to obtain their corporate account ID.

  • Create a new LSP Staff member designated as "Freight Claims Staff," or choose a name that suits your organization's preferences.
  • Create an integration source and designate the source type as
  • Add the source setting "staffId" and set the LSP Staff member ID you've previously created as the value.
  • Add the source setting "userId" and set the corporate account ID as the value.

The AccessToken and ExpirationDate will get added automatically.


  • If a integration exists for the broker, the "File a Claim" option will be available under the "Tools" menu on the shipment detail page.
This link will only be active if the shipment is "In Transit" through "Complete" status.
  • When selected, the claim filing modal will appear, allowing the user to submit a new claim with the following data points.
    1. Current Date
    2. Carrier (Transit Leg)
    3. Notes (Additional info that you want to add to the claim)
    4. Commodity Info
      1. Handling Units, weight, descriptions
      2. Condition
      3. Claim Type
      4. Amount
    5. Attachments (we recommend the following)
      1. Bill of Lading (BOL)
      2. Product Invoice
      3. Carrier Bill
      4. Damage Pictures
      5. Proof of Delivery (POD)

  • When a claim is submitted successfully, the following actions will occur:
    1. Add "Claim Submitted" Alert to shipment.
    2. The Claim Request is sent to for processing.
    3. The system will generate a claim number that will serve as a shipment reference, formatted as FC-XXXX.
    4. An activity log is created.
    5. If the carrier bill has not yet been generated, it will be flagged for variance review.
      1. A Bill Dispute Log is created for the carrier bill in variance.

    Status Mapping (TMS <>

    When a claims update is sent from, we will update the alerts on the shipment using the mapping below.

    1. The default claim status (alert) is "Claim Submitted".
    2. Next we need to check the Main Status of the Claim Level.

      1. If Not Filed → No Changes

      2. If Payment Hold → No Changes

      3. If Closed → check the Claim Level Status

        1. If Paid in Full or Short Paid → Claim Payment Received

        2. If Carrier Declined or Customer Withdrawn → Claim Closed

      4. If Filed → check the Carrier Level Status

        1. If Filed (Not Acknowledged) → Claim Filed

        2. Acknowledged → Claim Acknowledged

        3. If Disputed or Legal Review → Claim in Dispute

        4. If Declined → Claim Denied

        5. If Partial Approved or Approved → Claim Approved

    All previous alerts are updated, and the most recent alert is either added or marked as active. Status descriptions are recorded in the shipment activity log for reference.