Accounting - Accounts Receivable

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Create Invoice

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Create Invoices. When a shipment is delivered, the accounting process begins. Listed below are the shipments ready for you to invoice. If a POD or BOL is required and not yet attached, a red triangle icon will show. If you do not see a check mark in the Auto Validated column, it means that there might not be a margin on the shipment or that pricing was changed manually. If you see something that needs to be changed, you can click on the link or click the pencil icon on the right. If you want to create multiple invoices, check off the respective shipments. If you want to review a shipment further and get it off the creat invoice screen, you can move it over to the variance list. 

AR Variance List

To access, click Accounting on the top menu then AR Variance list. The AR Variance List is a page you can move shipments to before you invoice them. Typically, you want to move shipments that have a negative margin or shipments that you want to review further before you invoice them. The best way to review a shipment is to see its activity log. You can access this by clicking on the list icon on the right side or by going into the Shipment Profile and clicking Activity Log. To remove a shipment from the Variance List, you will have to click either Approve and Create Invoice or Do not Invoice. 

Invoice Delivery

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Invoice Delivery. The Invoice Delivery Screen is where you send your invoices from.You can either email or download the invoices. If you email the invoices they will be emailed to the accounting contact on file for that customer and if you choose to download the invoices, they will be downloaded to your desktop as a pdf. If a POD or BOL is required and not yet attached, a red triangle icon will show. You can filter by the delivery method by using the Advanced Search. You are also able to send additional documents with your invoices. On the right, click on the blue mail icon and a modal will show for you to check off any additional documents and attachments. Once you download or email the invoice, it will be taken off of the Invoice Delivery List and go to Invoice Search. 

Collection Summary

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Accounts Receivable.  The Collection Summary will be viewed as an aging report displaying all of your customers and where they are in their payments to you. It will also help you keep track of touches with your customers and keep notes of the conversations that you've had and attempts you've made to collect from them.  In the Collection Summary, you will see the list of your customers, their credit limit, total open, and total current. Next to those columns, you will see columns such as 1-15 and 16-30 indicating the number of days your customers are past due. The links within these columns will take you to the Invoice Search Page where you can see exactly where these numbers are coming from. You will also be able to write notes within the Activity Log by clicking the blue list icon on the right. Also, if your customer wants a statement of all their open invoices and credits, you can access their statement from clicking the currency icon on the right and you can use the send documents modal to email, print, or download the statement.

Invoice Search 

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Invoice Search. The purpose of the Invoice Search Page is for you to bring up invoices that you've already created.  When you first come to the page it won't preload any data and you will need to sort it first by the different pay status or payer. These are all shipments where invoices have been created. You can see the invoice number on the left. To resend an invoice to a customer, check off the invoice(s) you want to send and either email or download the file(s). You can also just view the invoice by clicking the blue view icon on the right. You can also export the invoices to Excel by clicking the blue Export to Excel button near the top of the page. This page also works in conjunction with the Collection Summary Page.

Receive Payments

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Receive Payments. When you first arrive on this page, you will need to select a customer to receive payments. After selecting your customer, the page will display a list of all of the outstanding invoices that this customer owes. To apply a check payment, fill in the Check Number in the Check Number Field and check off the invoices you want to use the check for. Then click Total Selected and Register Payment. If a customer sent you a specific amount, put in the dollar amount into the Amount Field, then the Check Number into the Check Number Field. Then click the respective invoices and click Register Payment. You can also choose the Payment Type as either Check, Credit Card, Cash, or ACH. 

Bulk Payment Upload

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Receive Payments. The purpose of the Bulk Payment Upload is for you to utilize Excel to list out all the Shipment IDs, PRO Numbers, or Shipper Numbers that you want to upload payments for. First, select a customer, then fill in the Payment Information. To upload the Bulk Payment, click on Upload then Download the Template. Fill in the fields in the Template, save the file, and re-upload the file into the tms by selecting Upload and Choose File then Process. Make sure that you press Apply to apply the changes. If you want to see the exact Shipment ID numbers, click on Records Found. 

Payment History

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Payments. This page will display a list of all the payments received in the TMS. The default filter is set to the last 30 days but you are able to modify the date range. If you click on the links within the Number Applied To column, the system will lead you to the list of shipments that were paid off by the check. On the very right, there is an Alerts column indicating if there are any open balances. You can use the filters above to search certain payments and you can also Export to Excel as a form of payment remittance. 

Credit Hold

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Credit Hole. The Credit Hold allows you to block tariffs from appearing from a customer. This way the customer is able to log into the system and access other parts of the site but they won't be able to generate any rates or book shipments. To add a credit hold, press the green Add Credit Hold button, and fill in the fields below. Once you click the blue checkmark on the right, the Credit Hold will be activated. To remove the Credit Hold, click the trash can icon on the right. 

AR Dashboard

The AR Accounting Dashboard provides a high-level view of your entire accounts receivable situation in the TMS. This dashboard will only appear if you have AR Access checked off in your staff profile. 

Included Sections:

  • Ready for Invoicing: Number of invoices available to be approved
  • Not Printed or Sent: Number of invoices needed to be printed or sent
  • AR Variance List: Number of shipments in a variant status
  • AR Open Amount: AR outstanding amount that has not been received yet

Each section is a link to the respective page

Shipment Profile - Edit Pricing

You can access Edit Pricing in multiple ways. There is a blue Edit Pricing button on the top right side, it is also under Cost Calculations, and Shipment Tools. The Edit Pricing Modal will have two rows. The first row is for the Buy Price and the second column is for the Sell Price. The first column is for the LineHaul Pricing, followed by the Fuel Percentage, the Fuel Rate, and then the Total. If you have Recalculate Sell with Default Margins checked off, your Sell rate will change as you change your Buy Rate. If the second column turns red, it means that there is a negative margin or no margin on the shipment

Delete/ Modify Payment

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Payment History. To modify or delete a payment, click the link under the Number Applied to column corresponding to the payment you'd like to correct. To edit Type, Check Date, Check Ref, or Deposit Ref Number, click the Edit Invoice Payment button. To modify the amount the Check was paid, click the pencil icon on the right of the table below. If you would like to delete a payment, click the trash can icon on the right. This will put the invoice back into Receive Payments for you to apply another payment to. If you like to completely delete the payment click the Delete Invoice Payment button the top. If you are syncing with QuickBooks Online or another accounting integration, this deletion will not sync to QuickBooks so you will need to go into QuickBooks and delete the payment there as well

Revise Invoice

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Invoice Search. You are able to add an additional or supplemental invoice to an already existing invoice. To begin, cfind the Shipment ID that you want to make a revision on and click the Modify Invoice Icon on the very right under the Actions column. A Modify Invoice modal will now show, where you can select Chargeline Type and fill in the corresponding additional charge amount. There will be two check options on the bottom. The first is Recalculate Commissions and if checked the invoice update will also recalculate the commission of the sales representative. If you have Do Not Resend Invoice checked off, a new invoice will not be sent into the invoice delivery queue.

Creating and Applying a Credit

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Invoice Search. Once you find the invoice you want to apply the credit memo to, click the Modify Invoice Icon within the Actions column. Once the Modify Invoice modal is displayed, select the Chargeline Type and fill in the amount. For Credit Memos it is best to select for Rate Adjustment - Accounting. And in the Amount field, make sure to input a negative amount to offset the payment. To apply this credit to an outstanding invoice or shipment, go to Receive Payments under Accounting on the top menu, check off the invoices you want to apply the credit to and click Register Payment. You can also modify the amount you would like to register payment for by editing the fields under the Apply Amount column. 

Modify Invoice and Bill

To access, click Accounting on the top menu, then Invoice Search. From this page, find the invoice that you'd like to revise, and click the Modify Invoice Icon under the Actions column. Select the accessorial that the carrier is charging you for and check off Include Bill Revision. By checking this off, you will be creating an additional invoice for your customer and an additional bill to pay your carrier. You can also do multiple accessorial charges at a time by clicking Add Item.