Accessorial Markup

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Accessorial Markup Introduction

Accessorial Markups works in the same manner as margin calculations and margin markups. To access, click Rates on the Top Menu then Margins. Then, click the green Add Margin button on the top right. Once you get into the Create: Margin page, you can distinguish between the three Types (Tariff, Customer, Broker) by filling in the first row. Make sure that when you are filling the Accessorials, you are putting the information on the Accessorial row, instead of the Margin Row.

Tariff Markup

Whenever this Tariff or Rate is selected, the accessorial markup that has been associated with it for that accessorial will be put into place. Once you fill in the Type as Tariff, you will fill in the Owner Organization which is the owner of the tariff (typically be your organization). The Mode will be LTL and the Status will be Active. 

When you add a new tariff to the system, you should go to the Create Margins page and add a markup on all the Tariff's Accessorials

Customer Markup

Once you fill in the Type as Customer, you will fill in Customer to the customer you want to markup the accessorial for.

Broker Markup

Once you fill in the Type as Broker, you will fill in the Broker to the organization you want to markup the accessorials for. Any customer you move underneath this broker will receive this markup. The downside of using the Broker Accessorial Markup if that there may be issues when you move a customer beneath that broker to another organization. 

Note: The automatic markup only occurs when the accessorial is auto rated through the rating engine.