QuickBooks Troubleshooting/Workflow

Below are some of the common QuickBooks errors presented to the support team and tips on troubleshooting


  • Tai only sends information over to QuickBooks once. We do not update previously sent information. This includes but is not limited to bill/invoice charges, amounts, addresses, etc.
    • The same applies to the information for customers/vendors. For example, if a bill is synced for a new carrier, a profile will be created for that vendor in QuickBooks with the current information in TAI. If changes are made in TAI to their profile, they will not be sent over in the new bills. The same address/information that was initially sent will still be reflected. Edited information in TAI will have to be manually updated in Quickbooks.
  • If an item is synced and later modified in TAI, changes will have to be manually made in QuickBooks. Alternatively, they can delete the item in QuickBooks and sync it over again. 
  • The proper way to make changes to a bill/invoice and have them reflected for record keeping purposes in QuickBooks is to make revisions and sync them over. 
  • Tai does not pull information from QuickBooks. Changes made in QuickBooks will not be synced back over to TAI. 
    • The only exception to this is check numbers. These are only pulled when AP items are synced (Bills/Bill Payments). 

Getting logs to research errors

  • In order to get a more detailed error message to explain why an item isn't syncing, you'll have to download logs for that syncing session. 
  • To do so, make sure that "enable logging" is checked as shown below before syncing again: 
  • Make sure you are only selecting to sync the failed item(s) and not the "Sync All" option. Failed items will appear in the tabs on the bottom after "Show Failed" for the respective items is clicked. 
  • Once the syncing completes, you will be presented with a popup to view/download logs. Open this link in a new tab. Doing so will download a folder with logs for the items that failed to sync. DO NOT SORT THEM, leave them as is (sorted by name by default). 
  • The amount of logs in the folder downloaded varies. The most efficient way to search through all logs is to use a program like Notepad++ to search through the text in them. 
  • Download Notepad++

  • In the search results, you'll be able to see which text file contains the error message. 
  • From there, you'll want to match the Response file with the Request. These will have different numbers, so the only way to match them is by order. To do so, count down from the first Response file to see what number your log that contains the error message is.
  • You will want to match that number with the request file in the same manner.  

Bills failing to sync for vendors that have Net terms 

  • If a bill is failing to sync, one of the things to look into is the net terms. In a carrier, this can be found by going to their profile and editing their record. They'll be listed under the accounts payable section: 
  • There are different variations: 15, 30, 45, Quickpay.
  • Each of these variations MUST be included in the list of terms for QuickBooks Online. 
  • To find the list, follow the pictures below:

  • One of the most common problems is when QuickPay is selected as the net terms. If they are not included exactly as shown above, the bill will fail to sync. 
    • In the error log for this bill, you'll see that we try to pass it off as net 99: 
      "Request Payload:{"Name":"Net 99","Active":true,"Type":"Standard","DueDays":99}"

Bills payments failing to sync 

  • SQL Query to help identify Shipments, and Bills.

    declare @bpid as int
    set @bpid =
    select b.ShipmentId, b.BillNumber, b.ExternalSync_ReferenceNumber, b.ExternalSync_Status
    from BillPayments as bp
    join BillPaymentDetails as bpd on bpd.BillPaymentId = bp.BillPaymentId
    join Bills as b on b.BillId = bpd.BillId
    where bp.BillPaymentId = @bpid
    • This will help you identify Shipments that this may have affected. 
    • If the TxnID can't be found in Quickbooks (this should match our ExternalSync_ReferenceNumber
      • Check to see if the Vendor is the same (Text match exactly)
      • Check to see if the TxnID exists in their Quickbooks
        • Replace the URL TxnID with the one we are looking for
  • Error Message : "Failed to Sync Bill Payment (ID: 859335) Error: Sync Failure: Could not apply the payment: XXXX" where XXXX is a TxnID (transaction ID) Quickbooks uses. 
  • This error message happens due to a mismatch in the bill and bill payment vendor. It's common that factoring companies are either renamed or merged to a single company. Ex: TBS Factoring Service to TBS Factoring Service, LLC. This is also possible for carriers but not as common. 
  • As we know, once a bill is synced, the information from that vendor will remain on it. If that same vendor is updated in TAI after a bill was synced, Quickbooks will not attempt update the bill to match the bill payment which will result in this error. 
  • If the bill payment is only for one bill, then it would be simple to simply update that bill. However, it's common for bill payments to include several bills in one transaction. Even if a majority of the bills have the correct information in the bill, the mismatched bill will prevent the entire bill payment from syncing. 
  • To fix this error, you will need to identify which bill has the outdated information. That bill will then need to be updated in Quickbooks. 
  • To identify the bill, you will need to gather the logs as shown in the steps earlier. You will then search for the "error" message to find the TxnIDs in the response. 

  • Once you have a list of TxnIDs, look them up in the same way that you searched for "error" in Notepad++

  • The two images above show the results after looking up a TxnID. You'll see the vendor name in the beginning but you'll have to keep scrolling to the right until you find that transaction ID for further information. 
  • The only identifying information in the results the total bill amount and the amount for the specific TxnID. It's the amount listed before the TxnID. In this example, the bill we'll be looking for is for the amount of $1500.00 

  • If you go to the shipment itself and the activity log, you'll see the the Bill was synced with the factoring company named "Crestmark" yet the Bill Payment is for "Crestmark LLC." This means that the factoring company was renamed by the time the bill payment was made.  
  • That specific bill will have to be updated in Quickbooks to have the vendor name be "Crestmark LLC" as it's currently set as "Crestmark." 
  • Apply this same process for all TxnIDs and they should be able to sync the bill payment afterwards. 

Cannot Sync Anything

  • Error Message : "Parameter Cannot be null or empty"
  • This is almost always due to the Quickbooks token expiring. Happens automatically around every 30 days as a safety measure  by Quickbooks or when a user changes their password
  • To solve this, all the user has to do is disconnect and connect again in TAI